2015年硕士毕业于伟德BETVLCTOR1946风景园林学专业, 同年国家公派赴瑞典农业大学景观规划与管理学院攻读博士研究生,于2019年12月毕业,获得哲学博士学位,2020年6月入职伟德BETVLCTOR,为风景园林系教师。
1. 基于绿色基础设施的可持续雨洪管理研究;
2. 城市公共绿色空间治理以及公众参与研究;
3. 风景园林历史文化遗产保护以及工业遗产保护、传承以及活化利用研究。
1. 2020年博士科研启动费:基于绿色基础设施的城市可持续雨洪管理研究. 2020.06-2023.06。
2. 2022年陕西省社科基金年度项目:陇海铁路陕西关中段历史文化遗产廊道构建.2022-2024,项目编号:2022J134。
3. 2022年全省艺术科学规划项目:陕西陇海铁路沿线工业遗产地建筑再设计研究.2022-2024,项目编号:2022HZ728。
4. 2023年中央高校基本科研业务费:陇海铁路关中段工业遗产的数字化保护、传承及活化利用研究。
1.Qiao, X.-J*,2023. Maintenance of low impact development facilities: A case study of pilot sponge cities in China. Journal of Cleaner Production,425.
2.Zhang,J., Han,Y., Qiao, X.-J. *, Randrup, T.B. Citizen Willingness to Pay for the Implementation of Urban Green Infrastructure in the Pilot Sponge Cities in China. Forests. 2023, 14, 474.
3.Qiao, X.-J.*, Liu,Y., Feng,J.*. Evaluating the Landscape Quality of Residential Communities: A Case Study of the Chinese City Yangling. Land, 2022, 12(1).
4.Qiao, X.-J. * and Randrup, T.B. Willingness to Pay for the Maintenance of Green Infrastructure in Six Chinese Pilot Sponge Cities. Water, 2022, 14(3).
5.Qiao, X.-J.*, Liao, K-H, Randrup, T.B., 2020. Sustainable stormwater management: A qualitative case study of the Sponge Cities initiative in China. Sustainable Cities and Society 53.101963
6.Qiao, X.-J.*, Liu, L., Kristoffersson, A., Randrup, T.B., 2019. Governance factors of sustainable stormwater management: A study of case cities in China and Sweden. Journal of Environmental Management 248.
7.Qiao, X.-J.*, Kristoffersson, A., Randrup, T.B., 2018. Challenges to implementing urban sustainable stormwater management from a governance perspective: A literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production 196, 943-952.
8.郑文婷,冯静*,乔秀娟* 等.唐九成宫选址和布局研究[J].园林,2023,40(3):93-97.
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