报告人:余兆武 博士
地点:南校区伟德BETVLCTOR A307报告厅
余兆武博士现为丹麦哥本哈根大学地球科学与自然资源管理系助理教授(Assistant Professor),博士生导师。主要从事城市(景观)生态、城市气候与环境规划相关研究与教学。目前以第一作者及通讯发表论文20余篇,其中在Applied Energy,Agricultural and Forestry Meteorology,Forest Ecology and Management,Landscape Ecology等国际高水平SCI期刊发表论文15篇(其中2篇为Web of Science数据库高被引论文,1篇为Urban Forestry & Urban Greening杂志历年最高被引论文之一)。截至目前,主持丹麦KKFF基金会基金、城市与区域生态国家重点实验室等基金4项,同时参与欧盟Horizon 2020、国家自然科学基金面上基金等多项。
Notice of Fringing-edge Talks in Urban Planning (3)
Topic: Urban Infrastructure and Public Health—Developing an Assessment Framework from Action Paths to Exposure
Lecturer: Dr. Zhaowu Yu
Date and time: 7:30 PM, November 2nd (Monday), 2020
Location: Room A307, College of Landscape Architecture and Arts, South Campus
Professional Summary:
Dr. Yu Zhaowu is an assistant professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Earth Science and Natural Resource Management at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Research and teaching interests include urban (landscape) ecology, urban climate and environmental planning. At present, he has published 20 papers as the first or corresponding author, among which 15 papers have been published in international high-level SCI journals, such as Applied Energy, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Forest Ecology and Management, Landscape Ecology, etc. Two of them are highly cited papers in Web of Science database, and one of them is the highest cited paper in the Journal of Urban Forestry & Urban Greening in records. He has hosted four sources of funding, such as the Denmark KKFF Foundation and the State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, etc., and participated in the European Union Horizon 2020 and the Natural Science Foundation of China, etc.
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